My sisters and I have been going to Camp Blazing Trail hosted by the YMCA all week. At the camp we have all sorts of fun and we do things that my mom and dad would never take us to do. We go on hikes, catch fish and then kiss them (yes-- we do kiss them and that is always the highlight of the week), see snakes, learn and practice archery and do some interesting crafts that should really go on Pinterest. One of the crafts that we did today was making paper bag trees.
One other fun aspect that the camp instructors add to the experience is different sorts of dress activities. For example; wear all green one day or wear your bathing suit for water day and my least favorite—is wacky tacky day. Today was supposed to be wacky tacky or so I thought. I have been taught from a young age what makes a fantastic wacky tacky outfit is a "rag-a-muffin" look. The more mismatched and crazy the better. However, this theory is completely contrary to how I was raised. Both my mom and dad are not fans of the rag-a-muffin look. When camp announced wacky tacky day I was not planning to do it but, my sister Grace talked me into it. Grace LOVES any opportunity to get wacky and tacky! The counselor had also said to wear a lot of red and orange colored clothing. So this is what we all wore.
We were dressed in orange/red, wacky and tacky! As we unload from our car we noticed that all of the other campers were wearing red/orange but, they were not sporting crazy socks or hairstyles. As it turns out it was “WACKY WEDNESDAY” where everyone was to wear red or orange. "TACKY" was not part of it at all! We were stuck looking crazy all day. Go rag-a-muffins, our parents were so PROUD!
Great blog Claire! Keep it up!